Championship Show 1
Judge Mrs C E Cartledge (Ryslip)
BIS - Crow’s Ch Arte Figure Next Level At Casacavallo JW (Imp FIN)
RBIS & BOS - Dixon, Fletcher & Merryweather’s Ynchreenoo Dream A Dream Avec Debrita
BPIS – Boden’s Ensidias You Me You Wish At Gemadar
RBPIS – Rees’s Parcauwen Wicked Game
BVIS – Crow’s Ch Just Kidding Of Angel’s Legacy At Casacavallo JW ShCM (Imp NLD)
RBVIS & Oldest In Show – McGuigan & Blackwell’s Ch Annamac Fairy Tail
RDCC – Crow’s Ch Just Kidding Of Angel’s Legacy At Casacavallo JW ShCM (Imp NLD)
RBCC – Botteril’s Pariansoez Ta Ta For Now
MPD (2/1)
1st Hinton’s Parcauwen Prefect Addition (TAF)
PD (1)
1st Boden’s Ensidias You Me You Wish At Gemadar
JD (3/1A)
1st Minton’s B-Galaxy Chocolate Dream Of Coffee
2nd Moyes’ & Hunters Bryelis Masterpiece
YD (2)
1st Moyes’ & Hunters Joyways I’m A Star At Bryelis (Imp FIN)
2nd Hellmuth’s Shumllea Slainte
ND (4/1A)
1st Hellmuth’s Shumllea Slainte
2nd Boden’s Clezels Habibi Soft’N sweet Gemadar
3rd Hampon’s Zerachiel Soul Survivor
GD (3)
1st Hellmuth’s Shumllea Slainte
2nd Saunder’s Scherzando Gold Finger
3rd Zerachiel Soul Survivor
PGD (4/1A)
1st Parkers’ Pino Grigio Gattaca
2nd Boden’s Lunacrest Among The Shooting Stars
3rd Masters & Shakeshafts Doucai Show Boy
MLD (3)
1st Moyes’ & Hunters Bryelis Baldrick
2nd Parkers’ Pino Grigio Gattaca
3rd Farquarson’s Shanshal Prince of Arabia
LD (5)
1st Piper’s Be My Dogs Topsail Cody Of Zanjero (Imp Deu)
2nd Barker’s Goldamulet Amber Tone
3rd Frame’s Elfallons Little Dragon
Res Ree’s Parcauwen Secret Liaison
VHC Coulters’ Scherzando Beetlejuice
OD (6/3A)
1st Crow’s Ch Arte Figure Next Level At Casacavallo JW (Imp FIN)
2nd Ousbey’s Birchvolgyi Indigo Malverne ShCM (Imp HUN)
3rd Barker’s Cheeswood Shimmering Moon
VD (3/1A)
1st Crow’s Ch Just Kidding Of Angel’s Legacy At Casacavallo JW ShCM (Imp NLD)
2nd Masters’ Esquimaux Skin Deep
MPB (3)
1st Rees Parcauwen Wicked Game
2nd Dodd’s Zerachiel Game Changer
3rd Roberts’ Rhea Little Champs For Shanshal (Imp)
Res Attwoods Doonbeg Live In Sin
PB (2/1A)
1st Attwoods Doonbeg Charm Offensive
JB (7/1A)
1st Routledge & McGowans Incanto Del Mondo Double Ice Cream Del Pufflepaws
2nd Moyes’ & Hunters Bryelis Picture Perfect
3rd O’Sullivans Energy Di Hip-Hop Queen
Res Hampson’s Zerachiel Made To Measure
VHC Bowers’ Bryelis I’m On My Way
YB (6/1A)
1st Moyes’ & Hunter’s Bryelis Dream Maker
2nd Hellmuths Shumllea Spot On
3rd Hampsons Zerachiel Made to Measure
Res Bowers’ Bryelis I’m On My Way
VHC Elfallons Dream Come True at Zigoyirox
NB (8)
1st Hellmuth’s Shumllea Spot On
2nd Paul’s Konishiki Princess Kateri
3rd O’Sullivans Energy Di Hip-Hop Queen
Res Hampson’s Zerachiel Made To Measure
VHC Rhea Little Champs For Shanshal (Imp)
GB (6)
1st Hellmuth’s Shumllea Spot On
2nd Maigne’s Halcyon Ivana Humpalot
3rd Paul’s Konishiki Princess Kateri
Res McGuigan & Blackwell’s Bryelis Maid In Scotland For Annamac
VHC Saunders Scherzando Lojala
PGB (5/1A)
1st McGowan & Routledge’s Pufflepaws Prosecco Please
2nd Lane’s Konishiki Querkus Petraea
3rd Roberts’ Octopussy Little Champs For Shanshal (Imp)
Res Hampson’s Zerachiel Jolly Molly
MLB (1)
1st Moyes’ & Punton's Bryelis Strike A Pose
LB (7)
1st Lane’s Transylvania Sasima At Konishiki
2nd Routledge & McGowans Ynchrenoo Twinkle Toes With Pufflepaws
3rd Kempster & Rees’ Parcauwen Lunar Eclipse At Oolagha
Res Godfrey & Peacocks’s Scherzando Secret Garden
VHC Dodd’s Zerachiel Talk Of The Town
OB (12/3A)
1st Dixon, Fletcher & Merryweather’s Ynchreenoo Dream A Dream Avec Debrita
2nd Botteril’s Pariansoez Ta Ta For Now
3rd Routledge & McGowan’s Tasnim De Sothis Para Pufflepaws
Res Frame’s Myvallo Inclined to Dance
VHC Moyes’ & Hunter’s Bryelis Private Dancer
VB (4)
1st McGuigan & Blackwell’s Ch Annamac Fairy Tail
2nd Hellmuth’s Omegaville Press Release For Shumllea (Imp ESP)
3rd Knowles’ Ch Jhanchi Play The Game JW
Res Hampson’s Zerachiel Keeping It Real JW ShCM
Championship Show 2
Judge: Stuart Payne (Habiba)
BIS - Moyes’ & Hunters Joyways I’m A Star At Bryelis (Imp FIN)
RBIS, BPIS & RDCC – Boden’s Ensidias You Me You Wish At Gemadar
BOS - Routledge & McGowan’s Tasnim De Sothis Para Pufflepaws
RBPIS – Rees’s Parcauwen Wicked Game
BVIS – Knowles’ Jhanchi I Want It All For Curnix
RBVIS & Oldest In Show Moyes’ & Hunters Nisyros Meet Joe Black Via Bryelis
RBCC - Moyes’ & Punton's Bryelis Strike A Pose
MPD (2)
1st Hinton’s Parcauwen Prefect Addition (TAF)
PD (1)
Boden’s Ensidias You Me You Wish At Gemadar
JD (2/1A)
1st Moyes’ & Hunters Bryelis Masterpiece
YD (2)
1st Moyes’ & Hunters Joyways I’m A Star At Bryelis (Imp FIN)
2nd Hellmuth’s Shumllea Slainte
ND (2/1A)
1st Hellmuth’s Shumllea Slainte
GD (3)
1st Hellmuth’s Shumllea Slainte
2nd Hampon’s Zerachiel Soul Survivor
3rd Saunder’s Scherzando Gold Finger
PGD (4/1A)
1st Boden’s Lunacrest Among The Shooting Stars
2nd Farquarson’s Shanshal Prince of Arabia
3rd Parkers’ Pino Grigio Gattaca
MLD (4/1A)
1st Knowles’ Pariansoez Innuendo At Jhanchi
2nd Moyes’ & Hunters Bryelis Baldrick
3rd Farquarson’s Shanshal Prince of Arabia
LD (6)
1st Coulters’ Scherzando Beetlejuice
2nd Ree’s Parcauwen Secret Liaison
3rd Gwynne’s Debrita Riding Shotgun
Res Piper’s Be My Dogs Topsail Cody Of Zanjero (Imp Deu)
VHC Frame’s Elfallons Little Dragon
OD (5/3A/1WD)
1st Crow’s Estillinis Silver Surfer At Casacavallo JW (Imp SWE)
VD (1)
1st Moyes’ & Hunters Nisyros Meet Joe Black Via Bryelis
MPB (3/1A)
1st Rees Parcauwen Wicked Game
2nd Dodd’s Zerachiel Game Changer
PB (2/1A)
1st Attwoods Doonbeg Charm Offensive
JB (6)
1st O’Sullivans Energy Di Hip-Hop Queen
2nd Routledge & McGowans Incanto Del Mondo Double Ice Cream Del Pufflepaws
3rd Bowers’ Bryelis I’m On My Way
Res Moyes’ & Hunters Bryelis Picture Perfect
VHC Dodd’s Zerachiel The Naked Truth
YB (4/2A)
1st Bowers’ Bryelis I’m On My Way
2nd Moyes’ & Hunter’s Bryelis Dream Maker
NB (7/1A)
1st O’Sullivans Energy Di Hip-Hop Queen
2nd Bowers’ Bryelis I’m On My Way
3rd Thomsons’ Elfallons Dream Come True at Zigoyirox
Res Saunders Scherzando Lojala
VHC Paul’s Konishiki Princess Kateri
GB (6/1A)
1st Maigne’s Halcyon Ivana Humpalot
2nd Hampson’s Zerachiel Made To Measure
3rd Saunders Scherzando Lojala
Res Paul’s Konishiki Princess Kateri
PGB (4/1A)
1st McGowan & Routledge’s Pufflepaws Prosecco Please
2nd Lane’s Konishiki Querkus Petraea
3rd Hampson’s Zerachiel Jolly Molly
MLB (1)
1st Moyes’ & Punton's Bryelis Strike A Pose
LB (8/2A)
1st Gwynne’s Delissa Crystal Ice Avec Chezic 9Imp CZE)
2nd Kempster & Rees’ Parcauwen Lunar Eclipse At Oolagha
3rd Routledge & McGowans Ynchrenoo Twinkle Toes With Pufflepaws
Res Lane’s Transylvania Sasima At Konishiki
VHC Dodd’s Zerachiel Talk Of The Town
OB (13/6A)
1st Routledge & McGowan’s Tasnim De Sothis Para Pufflepaws
2nd Dixon, Fletcher & Merryweather’s Ynchreenoo Dream A Dream Avec Debrita
3rd Maigne’s AmCh Halcyon Lady Luck
Res Moyes’ & Hunter’s Bryelis Private Dancer
VHC Frame’s Myvallo Inclined to Dance
VB (4/1A)
1st Knowles’ Jhanchi I Want It All For Curnix
2nd Knowle’s Ch Jhanchi Play The Game JW
3rd Hellmuth’s Omegaville Press Release For Shumllea (Imp ESP)
Championship Show 1: The Club held a 22 class show at the KC Building, with 82 dogs making 102 entries. It is not a breed that enjoys being gone over on the table, they wait to show their personality and character when they are on the floor! I thought they were quite mixed for quality and size. The earlier dog classes were quite small but competition hotted up considerably in LD and OD. The bitches were stronger in numbers, OB had 12 entries, but then I had three absentees - it was still the biggest class of the day. BIS was Crow’s Ch Arte Figure Next Level At Casacavallo JW, a Finnish import, RBIS & BOS Dixon, Fletcher & Merryweather’s Ynchreenoo Dream A Dream Avec Debrita, made up on the day, Boden’s Ensidias You Me You Wish At Gemadar was Best Puppy and Crow’s Ch Just Kidding Of Angel’s Legacy At Casacavallo JW ShCM (Imp Nld) was Best Veteran. Movement generally speaking was quite good any many enjoyed ‘showing off’ with style and confidence. Mouths were about the same as the last time I judged the breed, no worse but also not brilliant either. I enjoyed the appointment and extend my thanks to my two excellent stewards, secretary Linda Biss and her committee and of course the exhibitors who brought their dogs for me to judge. MPD (2,1) 1 Hinton’s Parcauwen Perfect Edition (TAF). 7 months powderpuff, quite delightful, well proportioned with a pretty head and dark knowing eyes. Plenty of style on the move, if still a little loose in front. Good body and in excellent condition. PD (1) 1 and BPIS, Boden’s Ensidias You Me You Wish At Gemadar. 11 months, masculine head and outlook, firm fit body, clean outline and in good form. At first he was just a little worried by the surroundings, but his confidence grew quickly and he then relaxed and looked the part, sound mover. JD (3,1) 1 Minton’s B-Galaxy Chocolate Dream Of Coffee. 17 months powderpuff, up to size but a happy showman clearly enjoying his moment here. Excellent topline and quarters, attractive head. Easy mover, well handled and conditioned. 2 Moyes’ & Hunters Bryelis Masterpiece. 12 months, smart little dog who just needs to relax a bit more on the table. Pleasing head, would like a little more width of underjaw. Like most today he has an excellent body, firm and fit, and moved ok. YD (2) 1 Moyes’ & Hunters Joyways I’m A Star At Bryelis (Imp Fin), just over a year, very glamorous young man in tremendous form. Masculine and self assured, very good topline and body, strong quarters, shapely and well balanced. Handled to best advantage, very stylish on the move. In the last three for the CC, has a very bright future. 2 Hellmuth’s Shumllea Slainte. 18 months, lots of character, relaxed and composed on the table and a happy showman. Clean and well presented, could just move with a little more length of stride behind but certainly made the most of himself. ND (4,1) 1 Hellmuth’s Shumllea Slainte. 2 Boden’s Clezels Habibi Soft’n Sweet Gemadar. White powderpuff of 2 years, dark eyes and a good head. Fit body, just lost his topline a little going round. Sympathetically handled, clean and well turned out. 3 Hampon’s Zerachiel Soul Survivor. 7 months, missed his MP class but was happy and co-operative here. GD (3) 1 Hellmuth’s Shumllea Slainte. 2 Saunder’s Scherzando Gold Finger. 7 years, good head and expression. Carrying just a little extra weight on the day, could move with a little more push and drive behind. 3 Zerachiel Soul Survivor. PGD (4,1) 1 Parkers’ Pino Grigio Gattaca. 5 and a half years, very smart with good crest, keen intelligent expression. Very good body and topline, well muscled quarters, showed steadily - would like to see a little more drive. 2 Boden’s Lunacrest Among The Shooting Stars. 4 years plus, could be a little more animated about it all. Quite a good ourtline, well handled and presented, good feet. 3 Masters & Shakeshaft’s Doucai Show Boy. MLD (3) 1 Moyes’ & Hunters Bryelis Baldrick. Elegant two year old, plume a bit sparse on the day. Attractive head, strong body, easy mover and composed showman. Well handled to look his best. 2 Parker’s Pino Grigio Gattaca. 3 Farquarson’s Shanshal Prince of Arabia JW. LD (5) Good class. 1 Piper’s Be My Dogs Topsail Cody Of Zanjero (Imp Deu). 3 years, quality dog with excellent outline and propertions, pleasing head, very good expression. Excellent topline, moved and showed with style and confidence. 2 Barker’s Goldamulet Amber Tone. 5 years powederpuff, well coated with a quality head, moved well. Responsive showman, beautifully clean and well presented. 3 Frame’s Elfallons Little Dragon. OD (6,3) 1 CC and BOB, Crow’s Ch Arte Figure Next Level At Casacavallo JW (Imp Fin). 3 and a half years, comfortable winner here, did not put a foot wrong from start to finish. Lovely outline, quality head and intelligent expression. Splendid body, deep chest and very impressive on the move. Good ring presence and a stylish showman. 2 Ousbey’s Birchvolgyi Indigo Malverne ShCM (Imp Hun). 4 years, typy dog, could show off a bit more but has good head and eyes. Well balanced, moved well behind but was a little wide in front action. 3 Barker’s Cheeswood Shimmering Moon. VD (3,1) 1 Crow’s Ch Just Kidding Of Angel’s Legacy At Casacavallo JW ShCM (Imp Nld). 7 and a half years, good size and type, he can certainly give many of the younger ones a run for their money. No sign of old age, in super body and form, presented to the minute, great outline and masculine head. Could not be denied the Res CC on the day. 2 Masters’ Esquimaux Skin Deep. 9 years young and a devoted showman. Good topline and body, keen expression, very well handled and moved well, looking his best. MPB (3) 1 and BPB, Rees Parcauwen Wicked Game. 7 month old powderpuff, such a pretty puppy, not thrilled being on the table, but moved and showed happily once she had the freedom of the floor. Charming head and expression, very good body, clean and well presented. 2 Dodd’s Zerachiel Game Changer. 8 months, keen and interested in all around her. Attractive head with dark eyes. Firm body, well muscled quarters, made the most of herself. 3 Roberts’ Rhea Little Champs For Shanshal (Imp) PB (2,1) 1 Attwood’s Doonbeg Charm Offensive. 7 months, quite a mature looking puppy, appealed in head and expression, splendid body, very fit and well muscled, sure footed and confident on the move. Steady showgirl, well handled. JB (7,1) 1 Routledge & McGowans Incanto Del Mondo Double Ice Cream Del Pufflepaws. 14 months powderpuff, quality youngster in very good form, well balanced for size and type. Pretty face, dark intelligent eyes. Good coat and condition, smart and showy and she moved well. 2 Moyes’ & Hunters Bryelis Picture Perfect, Yearling powderpuff with a feminine head and expression. Not 100% relaxed but handler made a very good job of getting her to respond, clean and well turned out, moved ok. 3 O’Sullivans Energy Di Hip-Hop Queen NB (8,1) 1 Hellmuth’s Shumllea Spot On. 2 Paul’s Konishiki Princess Kateri. 2 years, good honest bitch, quality head, good bone and body, moved and showed quite well. Very well conditioned. 3 O’Sullivans Energy Di Hip-Hop Queen. YB (6,1) 1 Moyes and Hunter’s Bryelis Dream Maker. 20 months, won this class with a bit to spare. Stylish youngster with a good outline and body, feminine head and dark expressive eyes. Showed herself to best advantage and a stylish mover, 2 Hellmuth’s Shumllea Spot On. 18 months carrying just a shade of extra weight, but this did not affect her movement. Pretty head, lovely skin and a sensible showgirl. 3 Hampson’s Zerachiel Made to Measure. GB (6) 1 Hellmuth’s Shumllea Spot On. 2 Maigne’s Halcyon Ivana Humpalot. Ultra feminine little bitch, full of style and confidence. Dark eyes in a good head, excellent smooth skin, firm body, obviously enjoying being in the ring. Well conditioned and handled. 3 Paul’s Konishiki Princess Kateri PGB (5,1) 1 McGowan & Routledge’s Pufflepaws Prosecco Please. 2 years and a comfortable winner here. Stylish bitch, very good showgirl, clean outline, good topline and depth of body. pleasing head, went well, real eyecatcher. 2 Lane’s Konishiki Querkus Petraea. Looked just a little heavy in condition on the day but she was not overweight. Typical head with expressive eyes, well presented and handled, showy and smart. 3 Roberts’ Octopussy Little Champs For Shanshal (Imp). MLB (1) 1 Moyes’ & Punton’s Bryelis Strike A Pose, quality Crested who could win better classes than this! Has all the essentials with a good head and dark eyes. Splendid body, stylish mover and showgirl. LB (7) 1 Lane’s Transylvania Sasima At Konishiki. Nearly 3 years, good looking bitch of qualuty, very good outline, excellent overall proportions. Quality head, dark eyes. Supple and fit body, free and easy mover, steady showgirl. 2 Routledge & McGowan’s Ynchrenoo Twinkle Toes With Pufflepaws. 3 and a half years, feminine bitch in good condition, attractive head and stylish on the move. Responded well to her handler. 3 Kempster & Rees’ Parcauwen Lunar Eclipse At Oolagha. OB (12,3) 1 Dixon, Fletcher & Merryweather’s Ynchreenoo Dream A Dream Avec Debrita. Won a strong class and had to pull out all the stops to do so. Nearly 3, lovely bitch in top form and nver stopped showing off. Excellent quality with suoerb expression and dark eyes. Perfect topline, sound and active mover and great outline and proportions. I gather this was her 3rd CC, definitely a worthy Champion. 2 and Res CC, Botteril’s Pariansoez Ta Ta For Now. 4 years, another bitch I really liked, elegant and graceful, very good head and eyes. Firm body and topline, natural showgirl, handled to perfection by Michael Craig, who kept her going at exactly the right speed, moved and showed so well. 3 Routledge & McGowan’s Tasnim De Sothis Para Pufflepaws. VB (4) 1 McGuigan & Blackwell’s Ch Annamac Fairy Tail. 12 years, marvellous to see a ‘senior veteran’ look so fresh and move so well, this one could give lessons to some of the younger ones. Still has a good mouth, great credit to her owner. 2 Hellmuth’s Omegaville Press Release For Shumllea (Imp Esp). Another good looking oldie of nearly 12, good head and eyes, clean teeth. Well muscled, a keen showgirl and moved well. 3 Knowles’ Ch Jhanchi Play The Game JW Res Hampson’s Zerachiel Keeping It Real JW ShCM